SofaScore is an app aimed at all sports lovers who don't want to miss even a single result of any fixture or cup in their day to day. It offers an ample catalogue of dozens of sports of all types including: cricket, ice hockey, soccer, water polo, darts, snooker, and badminton.
The app is divided into categories containing all the leagues each sport is divided into. Each has a numeric code that corresponds to the number of leagues, sections, and subcategories, with soccer and tennis having the highest number of matches due to the large number of countries where they are played.
To find out the result of any match, you'll have to search for it in the corresponding sport and league, and once you're on the match page, you can see all the information about it including the points, who scored, location, and other information particular to each sport.
If you're a fan of a specific team or player, you can monitor their entire year just by ticking them as a favorite. This even applies to complete leagues and you can adjust how often SofaScore alerts you during the course of each game, making sure you never miss another important fixture.
Requirements (Latest version)
- Android 8.0 or higher required
Frequent questions
Is SofaScore a free app?
Yes, SofaScore is completely free. It doesn't require payment to install it or to use its features, although you'll see optional payments on the app itself.
Can I watch streamed games on SofaScore?
No, you cannot watch streamed games on SofaScore. You can check their results and various stats for each match, but SofaScore does not broadcast them.
How many users does SofaScore have?
SofaScore had, according to the company itself, around 20 million users in 2020, although this number reflects not only the app but also the website.
What country is SofaScore from?
SofaScore is an app developed in Zagreb, Croatia. The developers began working on it 2010, and a year later, the app was released. In 2012, they renamed the company SofaScore.
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